Tuesday, March 3, 2015

February Class

Dear Apple class parents,
This is Teacher Eddie here writing to tell you about our February classes. During the month we did a lot of review work to help cement what the kids have previously learned. We had already finished our phonics workbook, so we spent the month doing a variety of worksheets that helped them to review short vowels, long vowels, consonant blends and consonant diagraphs. We also went back over all of the phonics readers that we have studied so far this academic year. The kids did a great job and showed that they had remembered a lot of it.
Our theme for the month was a continuation of jobs, with a focus on what they would like to be when they grow up. They also learned how to explain their choice with their limited vocabulary. We also briefly studied Chinese New Year vocabulary with them and played some games to reinforce the words.
We had already finished the Math workbook, so we spent some time doing worksheets to practice sequence, and also reviewed numbers up to 100. We even spent some time practicing basic addition, which will feature heavily in their next math workbook.
We completed some fun and simple art projects that went with the theme of the month, and this allowed the students some time to practice their fine motor skills. During the science time we learned about solids, liquids and gases, and also learned a variety of adjectives to describe things. During the teaching of this I blindfolded them and asked them to describe objects by feeling them. The kids enjoyed this, and this helped to reinforce the new words.
Finally, I just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year and hope that you are all healthy, happy and enjoying life.


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