Sunday, August 26, 2012

Teaching Goals of Aug. 2012

School is a brand new idea to toddlers like the ones in our class.  Students learn to get used to school life this month.  Also, HESS international kindergarten is an all-English environment.  Therefore, students need to get basic English skills to communicate with teachers.  It would also be the main goal of the month.  The following are the goals:

學校對於第一次上學的小班孩子來說非常的陌生。來到學校孩子要適應團體生活, 孩子會交到新朋友, 認識新老師, 了解什麼時間要做什麼事情, 有些孩子還得改掉在家裡的一些壞習慣 (比如說讓大人餵吃飯)。所以趁著新學期還沒開始, 這個月的目標是讓孩子學會學校的生活。以下是這個月的目標:

1.          Students should be able to do things by themselves. 孩子學會生活自理。
-              Put on and take off shoes by myself. 自己穿脫鞋子
-              Put on and take off clothes by myself. 自己穿脫衣服
-              Put away my school bag by myself. 自己整理書包
-              Clean up the toys together. 分工合作收玩具
-              Line up for the toilet. Flush the toilet. Wash my hands. 正確上廁所, 正確洗手
-              Brush my teeth. 自己正確的刷牙
-              Eat by myself. 自己拿湯匙吃飯, 不讓大人餵, 不挑食, 愛惜食物
-              Clean my table by myself. 吃完東西, 自己整理桌面
-              Take medicine when we’re sick. 生病吃藥
-              Do the bedding by myself.  Put away my beddings. 自己鋪床睡覺, 起床折棉被
-              Fold my clothes. 自己摺衣服
2.          Students get used to daily school life. 適應每天的學校生活, 有基本的時間觀念。
-              Morning Exercise 早操時間
-              Breakfast Time 早餐時間
-              Lunch Time 午餐時間
-              Snack Time 點心時間
-              Bathroom Time 上廁所
-              Clean Up Time 收拾玩具
-              Water Time 喝水時間
-              Class Time 上課時間
3.          Learn to appreciate people who do things for us everyday.  Have good manners. Be polite.  Be a good boy/girl. 看到好朋友和老師打招呼, 孩子學習觀察身邊每個幫助他的人, 學會說謝謝。當個有禮貌的孩子, 有好的規矩。
-              爸爸媽媽很辛苦, 要愛爸爸媽媽, 當好寶寶。
-              老師或小朋友幫忙的時候, 要說謝謝。
-              看到認識的人, 要打招呼。
-              清潔阿姨每天幫我們打掃很辛苦, 看到阿姨說謝謝。
-              婆婆爺爺帶我們來上學, 要跟婆婆爺爺說謝謝。
4.          Students adopt basic English skills to understand and communicate with teachers and friends at school. 學會基本的英文對話, 可以了解老師的指令, 可以用簡單的句子跟老師和其他小朋友溝通。

       *Sentences of the month 句型:
-              Line up.  Make a circle.  Sit down.  Stand up.
-              Clean up the toys. Put away the dishes. Push in your chair.
-              Open the door.  Close the door.
-              Turn on the music.  Turn off the music.
-              Hello. How are you?  I am fine thank you, and you?
-              I am sorry.  It’s ok.
-              Wait for me.
-              No, thank you.  Yes, please.
-              Where is Lisa?  Here I am.  Where is Cindy.  She’s not here.
-              How many?  Let’s count.
-              What color is it?  It is blue.
-              May I …., please?  Yes, you may.
-              Are you ready?  Yes, I am ready.
-              For you.  Thank you.  You’re welcome.
-              Can you help me, please?  Yes, I can.
-              Who wants to try.  Me! Lisa wants to try.
-              Put away your…., please!
-              Look at me.
-              Close your eyes.
-              Good morning.  Good afternoon.
-              See you tomorrow.  Goodbye.
-              I love you.

  *Vocabulary of the month 單字:
-              Numbers 1~10
-              Weather: sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, typhoon day.
-              Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
-              Colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black and white.
-              Food: rice, vegetable, meat, egg, tea, milk, bread, fruit, banana, apple, guava, orange, grapes, watermelon.
-              School things: table, chair, markers, crayons, door, water bottle, paper, cup, whiteboard, school bag.

*Chants and Songs of the month 童謠
-              The Hi Song
-              Where is Thumkin?
-              Good Morning
-              Days of The Week
-              You’re My Sunshine
-              Rain, Rain Go Away
-              Cold Wind Go Away
-              New Zoo Review
-              Skidamarink
-              Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars
-              Train is Coming
-              Round and Round the Garden
-              Wash Hands Chant
-              Meal Chant
-              Line Up Chant
-              Clean Up Chant

Introduce Letter

Dear Parents,

Hi!  I've been with the Apple Class for almost a month.  I want to apologize to you all for introducing myself also set up this website late as I have been very busy this month for our new semester.

My name is Mandy, and I am from Kingston, Canada.  I graduated from Queen’s University with a degree in E.E.  I am a native English speaker with an Asian look.  I have twelve years experience teaching children from age 2 to 12, and I really enjoy my work.

By creating an all-English environment will help young children to adopt English as their own.  I believe that if a child is comfortable speaking English, fluency will follow.  I strive to make my students comfortable during class, and intrigue their interest in English by doing all kinds of fun activities.  I believe learning a language should be fun, above all else.

I enjoy working with children and I love teaching.  I have been teaching English as a second language for many years and I have also completed JLS Teacher Training Course and IDEAR Teacher Training Session.  I am a responsible, patient, and creative teacher.  It is a pleasure to be a part of your children’s childhood.  Thank you for taking the time to read my correspondence.

Teacher Mandy