學校對於第一次上學的小班孩子來說非常的陌生。來到學校孩子要適應團體生活, 孩子會交到新朋友, 認識新老師, 了解什麼時間要做什麼事情, 有些孩子還得改掉在家裡的一些壞習慣 (比如說讓大人餵吃飯)。所以趁著新學期還沒開始, 這個月的目標是讓孩子學會學校的生活。以下是這個月的目標:
Students should be able to do
things by themselves. 孩子學會生活自理。
Put on and take off shoes by
myself. 自己穿脫鞋子
Put on and take off clothes by
myself. 自己穿脫衣服
Put away my school bag by
myself. 自己整理書包
Clean up the toys together. 分工合作收玩具
Line up for the toilet. Flush
the toilet. Wash my hands. 正確上廁所, 正確洗手
Brush my teeth. 自己正確的刷牙
Eat by myself. 自己拿湯匙吃飯, 不讓大人餵, 不挑食, 愛惜食物
Clean my table by myself. 吃完東西, 自己整理桌面
Take medicine when we’re sick. 生病吃藥
Do the bedding by myself. Put away my beddings. 自己鋪床睡覺, 起床折棉被
Fold my clothes. 自己摺衣服
Students get used to daily
school life. 適應每天的學校生活, 有基本的時間觀念。
Morning Exercise 早操時間
Breakfast Time 早餐時間
Lunch Time 午餐時間
Snack Time 點心時間
Bathroom Time 上廁所
Clean Up Time 收拾玩具
Water Time 喝水時間
Class Time 上課時間
Learn to appreciate people who
do things for us everyday. Have good
manners. Be polite. Be a good boy/girl. 看到好朋友和老師打招呼, 孩子學習觀察身邊每個幫助他的人, 學會說謝謝。當個有禮貌的孩子, 有好的規矩。
爸爸媽媽很辛苦, 要愛爸爸媽媽, 當好寶寶。
老師或小朋友幫忙的時候, 要說謝謝。
看到認識的人, 要打招呼。
清潔阿姨每天幫我們打掃很辛苦, 看到阿姨說謝謝。
婆婆爺爺帶我們來上學, 要跟婆婆爺爺說謝謝。
Students adopt basic English
skills to understand and communicate with teachers and friends at school. 學會基本的英文對話, 可以了解老師的指令, 可以用簡單的句子跟老師和其他小朋友溝通。
*Sentences of the month 句型:
*Sentences of the month 句型:
Line up. Make a circle. Sit down. Stand up.
Clean up the toys. Put away the
dishes. Push in your chair.
Open the door. Close the door.
Turn on the music. Turn off the music.
Hello. How are you? I am fine thank you, and you?
I am sorry. It’s ok.
Wait for me.
No, thank you. Yes, please.
Where is Lisa? Here I am. Where is Cindy.
She’s not here.
How many? Let’s count.
What color is it? It is blue.
May I …., please? Yes, you may.
Are you ready? Yes, I am ready.
For you. Thank you. You’re welcome.
Can you help me, please? Yes, I can.
Who wants to try. Me! Lisa
wants to try.
Put away your…., please!
Look at me.
Close your eyes.
Good morning. Good afternoon.
See you tomorrow. Goodbye.
I love you.
*Vocabulary of the month 單字:
Numbers 1~10
Weather: sunny, rainy, cloudy,
windy, typhoon day.
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Colors: red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, purple, pink, black and white.
Food: rice, vegetable, meat, egg,
tea, milk, bread, fruit, banana, apple, guava, orange, grapes, watermelon.
School things: table, chair, markers,
crayons, door, water bottle, paper, cup, whiteboard, school bag.
*Chants and Songs of the month 童謠
The Hi Song
Where is Thumkin?
Good Morning
Days of The Week
You’re My Sunshine
Rain, Rain Go Away
Cold Wind Go Away
New Zoo Review
Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars
Train is Coming
Round and Round the Garden
Wash Hands Chant
Meal Chant
Line Up Chant
Clean Up Chant